When the world was captivated by the World Cup in Russia, we partnered with the Oscar-nominated filmmakers, the Aleppo Media Centre (AMC) to highlight the war crimes being committed by the host nation in Syria. AMC made a series of films that revealed the untold story of northwest Syria where people struggle to try and live an ordinary life while enduring Assad and Russia’s airstrikes and extremist pressure on the ground.
In addition to these more serious stories, AMC also dressed up as the World Cup mascots in order to film some lighter pieces for news outlets. They met with children in a displacement camp and offered a glimpse into the markets of Idlib for football fans around the world.
The stories were covered by the Guardian, the Independent, Newsweek, Viral Thread and Vice.
Hassan Kattan, co-founder of Aleppo Media Centre (AMC)We know we’re working with creative and passionate humans aiming to support Syrians. I love the humanity of your work, how you advocate, fight propaganda and disinformation – it’s vital for Syria.